Our standard range of Bullseyes has been developed to meet the requirements of most subsea applications.

Bullseyes are available in various diameter sizes with different incline measurement ranges.

I-TECH Bullseyes (Slope Indicator)

Graphic showing three varieties of Subsea Bullseye inclinometers, 407, 350, and 300mm.
Graphic showing three varieties of Subsea Bullseye inclinometers, 250, 150, and 100mm.

If our standard range of Bullseyes doesn’t meet your requirements we can make Bullseyes to any specification. Please contact our design team with your requirements. 

Custom Decals

Four I-TECH Subsea Bullseye decals in different colours and configurations.

A selection of custom decals. Please contact us with any specific requirements.

Parts Numbers & Information

Table showing part numbers and information for standard range of Bullseye Inclinometers. PDF download available on page.

Handling, Unit Weights & Maintenance

I-TECH Clearview Subsea Bullseyes are incredibly light and easy to handle. Unit weights are shown in the table below.

Prior to deployment Subsea Bullseyes should be protected from sunlight, extreme temperatures, exposure to chemicals and impacts – to give your Bullseye maximum protection use the I-TECH Clearview EPC.

Table showing Clearview mounts unit weights
A single-axis I-TECH inclinometer

Single Axis Inclinometer:

The I-TECH Single Axis Inclinometer can be used in applications where a standard Bullseye is unable to be fitted due to physical constraints or when only one axis is required.

Environmental Protective Cover (EPC):

Prior to deployment Bullseyes are often mounted and left exposed to the elements for extended periods. The I-TECH Clearview Environmental Protective Cover (EPC) protects the Bullseye from the damaging effects of harsh sunlight, heat and debris. Using an advanced insulating material and a hard reflective polymer cap the EPC provides the Bullseye with a stable habitat prior to deployment subsea.

The EPC is available in a variety of sizes to suit all Bullseye mounting assemblies.

Reflective cover and polymer cap for an I-TECH Subsea Bullseye